Good Foot Run Crew Recipients of #NBGivesBack

New Balance Canada is donating shoes to worthy causes with their program #NBGivesBack!  Elite Team NB Athlete Rachel Hannah was kind enough to select the Good Foot Run Crew and presented them with New Balance shoes tonight at BlackToe Running.

The Good Foot Run Crew are employees of Good Foot Delivery and they have been training at BlackToe Running for 2 years now.   

Good Foot provides a personalized point-to-point delivery service on foot and public transit creating employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. They are a social enterprise and registered charity. By supporting Good Foot you are supporting an environmentally friendly delivery service and helping members of your community get a foothold on independence.

BlackToe Running and athletes who are members of the BlackToe Run Club and BlackToe Race Team are dedicated to supporting all athletes.   We are proud to be able to coach the Good Foot Run Crew!  We have witnessed their development as runners and had the privilege to see them achieve goals that they did not previously believe possible.

BlackToe Running is also committed to using Good Foot Delivery and we offer free shipping in downtown Toronto to all customers via the excellent staff at Good Foot.  

Here are vidoes of the shoe presentations and some of the Crew's favourite moments of 2017.   Our apologies for not flipping the phone to landscape.  Clearly the operator was too focused on the moment to think of that important detail detail!)






 Make sure you use the #nbgivesback as NB Canada will donate $5 to Soles for souls each time it appears on Twitter or Instagram!